Friday 27 May 2011

hari terakhir di Sek0lah sbelum cuti penggal 1...

ermmm...sekolah hari ni separuh hari jer...
start at 6.50 am until 9.30 am...
sedih jgk hari ni sbb last day with madam sue...dia dpt transfer ke SRI AMAN follow her husband whose being transfered there..lepas ni xdpt lar share recipe ngn madam lg...^madam is the best lar...^
s0 today i br0ught her cheese cake that i've learn fr0m her...hehehe...just bake it yesterday...=)
sedikit s0ft coz terbyk jus lem0n sedap jgk lar...hehehe...mcm mana rasany reaksi madam Sue nnt ekk...hihihi...
here is the cake...huhuhu...xdela kemas...saya bdk baru blajar...

here is the recipe, if s0me1 wanna try...simple jer bahan dia...


900gm cream cheese
245 gm sugar (gula halus)
4 eggs
1 lemon-for juice+zest
2 packet of oreo..

cara m'buat:
1. griskan loyang dengan mentega
2. hancurkan oreo and tekan tekapkn dalam loyang utk jdkan base utk cheesecake ni..tebal pun xpe...
3.utk cream fill: pukul cream cheese (r00m temperature) hingga lembut.
4. mskkan gula sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul lg
5. mskkan jus lemon dan lemon zest ny..
6. mskkan telur sebiji demi sebiji..
7. klu ade lebihan oreo td , mskkan juga dlm cream cheese td dan kaup balikkan
8. mskkan dlm loyang y sudah ade oreo base td dan bakar guna teknik waterbath ..suhu oven 160'C 
selama 1jam 30 minit...
9. simpan sejuk dlm peti ais dulu before serve...

selamat mencuba...+ hEpi h0liday

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